Friday, September 2, 2011

Separation Anxiety

Recently my son has been spending more and more time at his grandparents and away from home at night. For example he was at my mothers on Wednesday to Thursday and home for Thursday night but he will be gone to my in-laws for the weekend and we will not see him again until Sunday.

My wife hates it that he is gone and frankly so do I. At first it was nice to get a night to focus attention on us and have some quality time together for relaxing and whatnot. Now it just feels weird to us. It is great that he gets to see his grandparents but we just don't know what to do when he isn't around.

The house is quiet. The dogs are lazy and sad. Toys lay about limp and unanimated. We wonder how he is doing and what he is doing at any given time and resist picking up the phone ten times a day to call. It is kind of sad.

Granted, we do go do couples things and have "date nights" when he is gone but when we get home we want him to be there. It is like our home isn't quite right without him in it. It has become normal to have that noise of him up to something or him saying his ABC's or 123's; him yelling at the dog for taking his snacks or something. Anything is better than the silent house.

I guess what I am saying is that my wife and I are guilty of what we never thought possible. We have separation anxiety and we are proud to say that we hate being away from our child, even though we know it is good for him to be with his grandparents.

Are we pathetic that we can't just go about our business without him there or are we normal for feeling like it isn't business as usual when he isn't around and we can't pretend that it is? Does anybody else feel this way when the mini me isn't around?

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