Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Slow Week ... Weak Post

It's been a slow news week around our neck of the woods.

Everyone is sick with some sort of daycare concoction of cough and sniffle and Christmas is taking up all of our time. Shopping is almost all done, the Christmas cards are in the mail and Santa should be on his way soon; 11 days left to be exact.


My family is leaving me this weekend. Not for good mind you, but they are going to visit some family in Georgia for 5 days leaving me to my own devices alone in a house with two dogs for a long weekend. What shall I do while they are gone?

It's funny how things are so much different these days. B.C. (that is before children for the layperson) I would have been cutting it up at the bar all weekend wasting money and having "fun" with friends.

The only thoughts that crossed my mind about this weekend was "I am gonna be so lonely" and "I guess I can play hockey Friday and Saturday night".

Am I getting old?

I told you it was a slow news week ... I (loosely) promise to be better next week.

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