Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Writer's Block and Number Two

I have been suffering as of late. I am suffering from a lack of interesting things to say. They call it writer's block. When you are trying to start a new website and keep people interested writer's block can become very stressful.

I have had a few ideas on what to write about and every time I sit down to plot it out it just comes out all wrong.

Recently (directly after Christmas) we started what most people refer to as Potty Training Boot Camp in our home. With another baby on the way we decided the quicker we get our son out of diapers the better. With that goal in mind we set out on what we thought was going to be the most difficult journey in parenting we had yet to face.

Boy were we wrong.

This kid must be as driven as we are about getting rid of diapers as we had little to no problem with tackling #1. It was amazing how quickly he caught on to peeing in the potty and recognizing when he had to go so he could notify someone about it.

With #1 out of the way we kind of eased him into tackling #2 and crossing that task off the list. With the sweeping success of getting him away from peeing in the diaper we were uber excited to get away from cleaning dookie as well. Not as easy peasy as our critically acclaimed success we had attained prior.

I don't know why kids have such an issue with pooping in a sitting position. Maybe it is because they are so used to their assumed stance on the issue (pun intended). I mean we would put him on the pot and read him books, sing songs, let him play with cars and everything else under the sun that can appropriately be done whilst sitting on the porcelain throne. Heck, we even put his potty in front of the TV and let him watch an hour of cartoons once. No go; but as soon as we stuck that diaper back on and let him go ... BOOM goes the dynamite!!

Back to the drawing board.

So it went. For about 6 weeks we were still at an impasse. We tried and cried and trucked along and one day he looked up at me and said (I think it was Super Bowl Sunday actually) "I have go poop daddy". So I went to put a diaper on him (futility leads to weird rituals) and he stopped me and said "Not in a diaper, on the potty".

"Okay let's try it."

Boy did he go. We invited the neighbors to look at it and threw a party!! (that part was totally fabricated but seriously I cried tears of joy and danced down the hall)

Ever since we have had a house broken toddler with no use for diapers. For safety's sake we still put a pull up on at bed time but we are thinking that is going to stop soon as well.

What I am trying to say I guess is that I don't really have any advice for you if you are trying to potty train because I feel, even with the minor set back, like we had it too easy with him. I suppose if I can offer one bit of advice it would be to have patience if you reach an impasse. You can't force it (pun also intended) so you need to let it happen on it's own time.

Your child will tell you when he or she is ready for the big game so to speak and when they do you will feel a great sigh of relief in knowing that your shit wiping days are behind you (with this one at least) and that you can save a ton of money on diapers from here on out.

So here I stand. A proud father of a child who pees and poops in a toilet like a normal human being, and he is only two (gloating yes). I am very proud of my kid and very satisfied with his progress in every single way.

I am running out of things to write for now but I am sure it will pick up. I might expand my focus a little bit. In fact I will have to, seeing that we are having a daughter in April.

Thanks for listening.

Thanks Tina!!

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